
  • Normal Mode
  • Insert Mode
  • Recording Mode
  • Command Mode

1 Recording mode


  • 在Normal模式下按q键进入Recording模式,比如qa即进入Recording模式,准备开始录制宏,并将其命名为a

  • 宏指令内容

  • 按键q退出Recording模式

  • {n}+@a即可执行n次


2 Insert mode

  • i - Insert
  • I - Insert(Before Line)
  • a - Append text
  • A - Append(After Line)
  • o - New Line Below
  • O - New Line Above

3 Normal mode

  • r - Replace

  • w - Jump To Next Word

  • W - Next WORD

  • b - Jump To Previous Word

  • B - Previous WORD

  • r - Replace Letter

  • R - Replace Mode

  • cw - Change Word

  • 8w - Jump 8 Words

  • c7w - Change 7 Words

  • 4j - Move 4 Lines Down

  • C - Delete Rest of Line

  • Dw - Delete Word

  • D - Delete Rest of Line

  • d4w - Delete 4 Words

  • dd - Delete Line

  • 4dd - Delete 4 Lines

  • cc - Change Line

  • 8cc - Change 8 Lines

  • u - Undo

  • 5u - Undo Last 5 Changes

  • CTRL+R - Redo

  • 7 CTRL+R - Redo 7 Last Things

  • ciw - Change Inner Word

    • ci)
    • ci(
    • ci[
    • ci]
    • ci}
    • ci{
  • diw - Delete Inner Word

  • % - Jump To Bracket

  • c% - Change Until Bracket

  • gg - Beginning Of File

  • G - End Of File

  • 17G - Go To Line 17

  • :19 - Go To Line 19

  • $ - End Of Line

  • 0 - Beginning Of Line

  • p - Paste After

  • P - Paste Before

  • yy - Yank Line

  • 5yy - Yank 5 Lines

  • 9p - Paste 9 Times

  • y5w - Yank 5 Words

  • yi) - Yank Inner Brackets

  • yiw - Yank Inner Word

  • Shift+v - Visual Line

  • Ctrl+v - Visual Block

  • . - Repeat Last Operation

  • > - Shift Right

  • < - Shift Left

  • = - Indent

  • >> - Shift Line

  • << - Shift Line

  • == - Indent Line

  • gg=G - Indent Whole File

  • ggdG - Delete Whole File

  • 次数+f+字符- 移动到指定字符上

  • 次数+t+字符 - 移动到指定字符前面

  • c+t+字符 - 变更当前光标到字符前一个位置

4 Command mode

  • /word - Search For Word
    n - Next Occurrence
    N - Previous Occurrence

    # - Previous Token Occurrence

    + - Next Token Occurrence

  • :s/old/new/g - Replace

  • :%s/old/new/g - Replace Everywhere
